Tool Box

Starting Point A Thought Images Wisdom Opinion Tool Box My Sister Poetry Corner



Things that are important in the healing process

(from a client's perspective)



attentive listening

unconditional acceptance

clear boundaries and limits

healthy risk-taking

allowing feelings to "just be", yet also giving yourself permission to "back off"

healthy distractions

non-judgmental stance

grieving the loss of childhood and innocence

developing a personal relationship and connection with a power outside of yourself

acknowledging love/hate feelings towards abusers and self

learning to have fun

acceptance of self

acknowledging when you do and don't have the skills to deal with trauma issues

accepting personal and others' limitations

treating yourself with respect

support system: professional and from peers

knowing that you are not alone and that it wasn't you fault

learning to live in "grayness"

healthy coping skills


learning to be alone without feeling lonely



finding things you like to do

developing hope for the future

having a "safe" place

learning to re-parent yourself
